Saturday, April 26, 2008

That time of week again...

End of the semester stress and craziness is starting to kick in -- A.K.A. for some reason, I picked the most busy time of the semester to do a project that, by it's nature, would take up all my time (and my paycheck, for that matter).

We're doing illustrations for Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree, and I've decided to do a kind of 3d-like cut paper style. I saw it here and just couldn't resist (And if you check out the example, you have to check out the rest of her work, it's simply amazing.). It may be time consuming, but I'm absolutely loving working on it, it's so different from what I've done in the past, and so much fun.

I should be able to have pictures up on it next week.

For now, though, I have what I was attempting to scan last week (Still don't know what was wrong with my scanner, but it's working, so I'm happy). It's nothing too special, just more practice, this time more realistic. Done from the image Josiah by brandonwitzel on Deviantart.

It certainly isn't perfect, the face is a little too narrow to match properly, bu it was good practice and it felt good to do something more realistic for a change.

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