Monday, October 27, 2008

Clouds, Shiny Bowl, and Snow!

Our latest project in my Advanced Graphics class was a book cover series project. We each read three stories and did a series of three book covers for it. Simple, right?

Wrong. The difficulty lies in making the covers similar enough to be recognizable as a series, but different enough to make them individually interesting as well as not making the series boring. Basically you don't want your series to just be a fill in the blank template. I made them similar by using the same style and organization of the type (same fonts, put together the same way, separated by three lines, etc.) as well as by making the illustration be a mix of a photograph and a drawing. They're made different by the placement of the text (this is a big thing that it's flexible), using different media for each drawn portion (Top: Ink, Middle: Charcoal, Bottom: Graphite), as well as just having different illustrations.

My favorite is The Snowfall.

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