Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Would you look at that? I exist again. I really need to get myself on a schedule with this bugger. Here's to trying that this summer.

Otherwise, I feel like I owe an update. I've finished my 4th year of the Design and Illustration program - give me one more year and I should get my soul back from them! What a glorious day that will be. In the meantime, I am working quite happily at my internship at the video game company here in town, where shoes aren't required, the nerf gun darts fly daily, and I am quite at home.

So until I get some actual art worked up, I have a giant image made of sketches that I've thrown together.

(Warning: The file is rather large and will likely take a bit to load.)


Sean said...

Yeah! Myre is alive! How is summer going? Are you in Springfield for the duration? Any exciting plans?

Ann said...

At some point I am going to call you to see if you want to hang out. I have just been really busy with my internship so far (what with the first three weeks comprising mostly of out-of-town field work). At some point, though, I will be working in the lab, and I will have evenings free.