Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Students, All to Chaumont!

Every year there is a student poster contest held in/by Chaumont, France. It was our first assignment in my Image Design class this semester to create an entry for this contest. Our posters had to be a social poster commenting on this years theme: "We, Men and Women".

I chose to comment on marriage, but that's all I'll say. I'd like to hear what any of you think the message of the poster is.

I'll post the meaning I was trying to get across in a later post.


Katiebrarian said...

Hey! My wedding ring is famous.

btw, I'm totally checking this out from now on, since I have to use blogger for two of my classes.

Jonnybot said...

Well, time is obviously a factor. If I had to get more specific, I'd say that it's a little like a LDS message I saw on TV once:
"Family; isn't it about time?" As in, marriage, parenting, etc. are as good as the time you invest in them.

On the other hand it could be a poster about the desperation one feels while waiting to be married. Impatient, a young bachelor (or, I daresay, bachelorette) feels as though it's taking forever to leave ranks of the single for the bliss of matrimony.

Grace said...

I noticed right away that you have a man's ring and a woman's ring, showing marriage between a man and a woman! As for the time thing, maybe "Isn't it time to get back to traditional family values?"

I enjoy your blog, Mryiam!