Monday, July 21, 2008

Brother Wart

So while working on the graphics for that blog I'm working on I was reminded of an old assignment, one from a couple years back, an avatar project. We were to pick a person - living or dead, real or fiction - and create four avatars, or representations, of them. These avatars had to represent different aspects of that person.

Obviously I chose King Arthur, British legend, king, and hero. I chose, also, to use birds as the avatars, partially because according to some versions of the legend he was turned into animals by Merlin as a child as a way to learn lessons. I also really like birds (This reason outweighs the first). The songbird represents the fact that he was loved by his people, the eagle represents his power, the owl his wisdom, and the heron his nobility.

The originals had all the bird with little crowns, but I thought that looked silly and unneccesary when I looked things over today, so I took them out. However, the owl still looks pretty keen with his crown.

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