Sunday, July 13, 2008

An Update

So, that was a nice break.

The summer has been a bit wacky. Internship woes turned into job woes, I moved back to Springfield into my first apartment, spent two weeks cleaning the kitchen and working on getting internet set up, I've slept on the couch until Friday, when my Dad was finally able to come down, build my bed, and bring me my desk -- all while woefully unemployed.

This means I should have plenty of time to do art, right?

In a sense, yes. Sketches and doodles, mainly. Though I have been hired/commissioned to do the formatting, graphics, and design for a blog belonging to a friend of mine, so I've been working on that as well, and I'll share that as soon as it's done.

What else have I been up to?

Well, things like this:
One video

And this:
Count 'em. Video two.

And random makings of silly, such as this:
My attempts at being witty

Hopefully, now that I have furniture, I can get myself fully unpacked and I'll be able to find my other sketchbooks and be able to post something worthwhile soon.

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