Friday, November 2, 2007

First Post!

Yay for the first post!

So I'm kind of new to this. Not blogging, I've been keeping a blog for years. Rather, I'm new to keeping a sketchblog, so you all are going to have to keep me accountable to this thing...all...2 of you. Indeed.

So a little about myself, even though all of my lovely readers know me.

I'm a third year Graphic Design and Illustration student at Missouri State University. I've got two years left after this one, and after that I'm off into the wonderful wide real world. My dream job would be to be a Character and Concept designer, so that's what I've been working on in whatever spare time I can manage to scrape together.

For this blog, I'm going to be doing my darndest to post once a week at least with a sketch -- hold me to that! I need the consistency. Also correct my spelling. I need that, too. ANYWAY. These so called "sketches" will be anything art wise that I've done lately. This could be part or all of an assignment, or something I've done on my own; I'll try to keep it a good mix.

So to start us off, have this. A scratchboard self portrait from my Illustration class. Disclaimer: It doesn't look like me.

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