Thursday, January 31, 2008

The finished product

Or almost finished product, at least. That image I showed in the last post was one of the ones that I chose to use in the final part of the assignment. This final part included taking one of the sketches and using it as an illustration in the context of whatever it was made for. And as that sentence made no sense, let me explain. That drawing was done with the idea that it would be part of a graphic novel. So, I took the illustration, 'finished' it in photoshop and applied it to a page layout for a graphic novel.

This is the result:

Just a single panel was all we needed, and I may have done more, but I didn't have the sketches to do so.

Comics are one thing I would like to seriously try some day. I've fiddled with them in the past, doing a project with person or that, or even trying it on my own, but none of them have been very successful. They get so far, and then things get busy. Perhaps one day I'll actually get a full story out.

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